Keri Dodd
REALTOR®️, Director of Transactions

Keri Dodd
REALTOR®️, Director of Transactions

Keri Dodd, Director of Transactions- BCS Home Finder Group at HoM Realty

Keri is quite literally the glue that holds everything together when things get hectic, as they do in any real estate office. - Amber Cox, Team Leader

Keri’s background is in the military- both as a service member and as a military spouse. She brings the discipline, dedication, and selflessness required for both of those roles to the BCS Home Finder Team. As the Director of Transactions, Keri is the one who makes sure deadlines are met, crosses every t and dots every i, communicates with title and lender to ensure they have what they need as quickly as possible, maintains records and a seemingly endless list of tasks that are necessary to get our clients to the closing table on time.. Team Leader, Amber Cox, says what makes Keri invaluable is that she genuinely cares. It is important to her that each client is happy and taken care of… and it shows. Whether it is staying well passed 5 o’clock, checking on the status of a document from home on a Sunday or jumping on to a google search to help a client or team member, it is almost always without being asked.

Keri is a Texas Certified Notary Public and is happy to help our clients with documents at our office from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and by appointment on evenings and weekends.

Keri is also a BCS Home Finder Group client! Keri and her husband David moved their family back to Texas in 2020 after his retirement from the military. During a conversation with David, Amber mentioned she needed somebody she could count on to be accurate, professional and reliable- the rest is history.

In her free time, Keri relaxes by watching her favorite sport- baseball. She also bakes and decorates cakes, even winning at local cake shows.

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